Malachai Stenflo
Personal Profile

Hi, I'm Malachai. As a child I used to make really awful and violent comic books. Now I’m an Art student. I began producing music using torrented software when I was 13 (I can say this because I own it now). It began as a fascination and quickly grew to be my passion. I also used a torrented copy of photoshop all throughout high school, which began as a desire to make the shittiest memes around. As I got more familiar with Adobe, I started to become a lot more interested in visual art and graphic design. When I started going to college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a long time, and it ended up making me very depressed. I got in as a Neuroscience major, then pursued an engineering degree. After two long wasted years and a flunked semester, I decided to own up to my passions and try to pursue them as a career. As I see it, if you're not doing something you're passionate about, why do it, much less spend a fortune on it? To land a career making 100k per year? I’d rather not be a sad old man who has worked his whole life doing something he could care less about just so he can live comfortably and pay off a mortgage. With an interest in motion graphics and animation, I began teaching myself After Effects and Cinema 4D. Everything I know is self taught; music production, graphic design, and animation. My goal is to master Audio/Visual art and make this Art degree worthwhile. If I can’t do that, then I’ll just be another starving artist.