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Artist Statement #2


Overall I was pretty happy with how my project came out, but I think it would’ve been a lot cooler if I could’ve made it in Ableton. The effects are really weird in Audition, and I’m sure it’s mostly just that I’m more comfortable working in Ableton, but I genuinely think that the software is not as good for audio manipulation. Audition and Ableton are used for different things, but they are both just Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) at their core. Audition isn’t meant for making music, Ableton is, but I would argue Audition isn’t really meant for making abstract audio manipulations either. It’s more for editing together a podcast or a radio segment. At least, that’s the impression I get. The only time I used it was to edit together radio segments during my internship at KGNU. I wasn’t a fan then, and I’m not a fan now. I would argue that Ableton is better for music, audio manipulation, and editing audio for a podcast or radio segment. It’s simply a superior DAW, with a much better user interface. Adobe blows me away with so much remarkable software, having creative cloud is such a gift, I love being able to have access to all their amazing products. But audition, I think if they’re going to keep it on Creative Cloud, they should really update it to compete with other DAWs. I think if they reworked it would have to potential to be a good competitor for Ableton because everyone would just pay monthly for creative cloud instead of dishing out $900 or however much for Ableton Live Suite and an extra couple hundred for each update. I don’t think DAWs need to be restrained to one type of use, I think all of them should strive to be good at music creation, audio manipulation, and general audio editing because the best ones can do it all.



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