I’m so proud of this project. It took even more out of me than the Daydream project. So much love and tedious work went into making this. I individually edited around 1000 frames for each video. Making a simple GIF doesn’t take too much out of you, but making a minute+ long animation for 6 videos is so very time-consuming. I would work non-stop and finish one video per 1-2 days. Then troubleshooting how it looked on the website was a whole nother beast to tackle. I ended up losing a lot of sleep, and started neglecting work in other classes, but I couldn't stop. I was addicted to seeing the animation with the audio. It was so satisfying to finish. I know I was putting myself through an unnecessary amount of work, I could’ve made it a lot simpler and still gotten a good grade, but I made something I am so proud of, and I think that’s worth a lot, at least to me. It really inspired me, and it actually made me want to learn how to make video games. I wish I could be the art director for a video game after making that because I don’t know much about coding, but I could create animations for it and help make, I think, really good visual and audio assets to stylize it. This game is just a cut scene decider. Pick A and you get this cut scene, pick B and you get that cut scene. But while making it I started to come up with ideas for a game I think would be a lot of fun. While doing something I have been already teaching myself (animation), I realized I had a passion for something I have no idea about how to create. Maybe I’ll have to add video game development to the list of skills to learn.
Artist Statement #4