Me and Noa planned to make a cartoon, based on an idea I had. The basic idea I had was: a couple takes their dog on a walk, mysterious magical man approaches and asks to pet their dog. They say yes, the man whispers into the dogs ear and imbues the dog with powers, sentience, and thumbs. The dog's transformation sequence is supposed to reference both The Thing, and An American Werewolf in London. He is supposed to be in great pain, have his face split open, tendrils of flesh writhing out of his back, bones breaking and repositioning themselves, and then the dog is simply just bipedal with hands by the end of it. The dog is angsty, he's a rapper, and he hates his parents.
Together, we came up with a basic plan. The dog transforms, and immediately runs off to commit violence. He shoots someone, enjoys it, spends the day running from the police, and eventually has a coming to god moment, realizes what he's done is wrong, decides to become a reformed man and turn himself in. The following is what we wrote of the script:
Malachi and Noa Cartoon
Intro (00:33:05)
Opens with Dog flipping somebody off. He runs away, screeching to a halt in front of an unsuspecting hipster who is smoking a cigarette. He launches into the air, landing in a karate position. Dog then whips out a gun from seemingly nowhere and shoots the hipster in the kneecap. A closeup reveals the dog’s malicious intent.
A car speeds into the frame, drifting to a halt. This is an undercover cop car; the cops hastily pull out their portable siren and place it on top of the vehicle. A siren starts.
*cut to cops faces*
The siren cuts out abruptly. The dog frantically hides the gun behind him, guiltily facing the cops. The cigarette remains burning.
*cut to cops inside vehicle*
Officer GrantMcKnoy: Did that dog just shoot somebody
Officer Frütlupe: Where the fuck did he just put the gun
Officer GrantMcKnoy: I think in his ass-
Officer Frütlupe: Shut up
*cut to wide shot of Dog, Hipster, and Vehicle*
An arm with a loudspeaker whips out of the car.
Officer Frütlupe: HEY!!
*cut to title sequence*
The dog is based on a little cartoon dog I've been drawing for years, since I was 16. The following are pictures I drew planning the cartoon.
