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Reading Blog #1


This article reminded me a lot of NFT’s, which I am trying to sell myself. NFT’s take this concept to the next level. The article questions the value of Digital Art and comes to the conclusion that it is worth whatever the highest bidder says it’s worth. $58.4 million for a gif is pretty insane, but now there are people who are billionaires from making automatically generated pixel characters. There’s an account on OpenSea, an NFT marketplace that has sold around 10,000 nfts that are just images of characters at around a, give or take, 20x20 resolution, and they sell for around $500,000 each. The people that buy them then try to resell them for a profit, and the original artist takes a cut of each reselling. This has earned them over a billion dollars. I think it’s hard for a lot of people to wrap their heads around, and they think it’s stupid. I kind of agree. I think to sell art for so much, it should be better art. But what is good art? I think the deflating dog is better than a CryptoPunk. More effort went into it. These cryptopunks are worth more than my car and house, they’re so low effort. They draw up 100 pixel assets in such a low resolution, and they have an algorithm that randomizes the assets and uploads them. But, who am I to say what is and isn’t high art. All that matters is that it sells. There’s not a better time for artists to sell art and get rich. You will probably blend in with the giant crowd of others trying to shill their work, but the chances are greater than they were 10 or 20 years ago.



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