My original idea was to have an outrun aesthetic webventure, loosely inspired by the game Far Cry Blood Dragon. I was thinking I could make a bunch of pixel art gifs for it, and the story around it be some kind of self aware over the top futuristic dystopia, where you make ridiculous choices. Then, after reading and doing my response, I thought I might want to just have it be some kind of interactive windows XP simulator. I could include a lot of web art inspired by that made in the early 2000s. I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably going to merge the two ideas. Let's say you're playing my webventure, the intro tells you something like the world went to ruins in 2007 when the World Wide Web went down or something and now its the future and you're some kind of cyborg guy, lets say you're basically a Robocop. You have to merge your consciousness with the internet via Ethernet. You will have a good amount of choices to make when your brain goes into Windows XP mode, and have access to the World Wide Web. You will also have some choices to make as the character, and ultimately, you are trying to bring the internet back so everyone can go back to masturbating to pornography instead of degenerating into deranged mad max freaks.
